Xero Accounting Setup And Training

CATS can setup with Xero.
In times like this CATS can setup your Xero file for you and then show you how to work smarter, not harder. After just a few sessions with your adviser you will find ways to make your record keeping easier and more accurate.
Your trainer will show you WHY certain things are important so that you can understand the fundamentals of running your own accounts.
If and when your business grows and you run out of time to handle the bookkeeping (this is a great problem to have!) at least you know that your Xero file has been setup correctly and you’ve been entering your business income and expenditure in a tidy and efficient manner. Oh yeah, and the better your bookkeeping system the less you’ll have to pay to outsource that task to someone else.
Want that someone else to be CATS? Learn about CATS bookkeeping.
What do we do different?
Rest assured we'll get the basics right so that your compliance is on time, accurate and tax effective.
We will be the helping hand and your partner in business.
You've planted the seeds, our insight will help you reap your rewards.
We stay ahead of the curve for you allowing you more time for what matters.
We exist to help our clients live their best life.
Our services will save you time, give you peace of mind and help you have more money. We are more than accountants, we are your partner in business.